One of the best summers in years.
It was a perfect 4th of July.
Ideal wildlife conditions prevailed in the Santa Barbara Channel
Wonderful looks were had by all.
10 humpbacks, 8 blues, 200 dolphins, and 1 ocean sunfish
What an amazing summer…blues, humpbacks, dolphins again.
Condor Express sings “the blues” again.
Cetacean sightings were in the stratosphere.
7 blue whales, 6 humpback whales, 1 Minke whale and more
The saga continues – cetaceans are hot in the Channel.
Another fabulous day – blue whales, humpback whales, dolphins.
The first day of summer started with a bang.
Tremendous cetacean biomass in our area
Happy Father’s Day
Camelo, the famous blue whale, was among 9 we encountered today.
Epic Wildlife Sightings: 15 blues, 12 humpbacks and more.
At least 9 giant blue whales and more
Bright blue sun, bright blue water, and big blue whales.
Whale and dolphin sightings continue to be very hot