A wonderful Santa Barbara Channel excursion today
Rope and her calf, plus 2 blue whales, plus 2,000 common dolphins
What a great day it was
7 humpback whales including our friend Rope, and much more
Surface lunge-feeding
Great conditions and fantastic sightings today
4 giant blue whales and 300 friendly common dolphins
1 blue whale, 1 fin whale and 1 humpback plus 150 long-beaked common dolphins
Dall’s porpoise join us, as well as humpbacks and dolphins too
Another great day for cetaceans
A nice day of good sightings
It was a good day for cetacean searching.
What a great trip it was
Humpbacks stole the show
4 humpback whales, 5 gray whales, and about 1000 long beaked common dolphins
Dolphins and gray whale mothers with calves
A gray whale calf ejected mud through its baleen while on the surface
200 long-beaked common dolphins and 11 gray whales
The humpback feeding frenzy stole the show.
Sightings were fantastic with lots of whales and dolphins.