17 humpbacks, including a mother with calf….and lots more!
Rope, Scarlet and throngs of other humpback whale put on a show
Eight Humpback Whales Circle the Area
At least 12 humpbacks and 2 blue whales.
Humpbacks, Blues and a Fin.
Rope and Friend Mug the Condor Express In a Wild Meet-and-Greet Session
So Many Humpback Whales, So Little Time
Wild Humpback Whale Behaviors Again !
Gluttony on the high seas – massive humpback lunging session
A Great Day in Humpbackland – Rope was there
A Dozen Humpback Whales and Thousands of Dolphins
An Exhilarating Day
The Summer Humpback Whales are Here !
Homeguard humpbacks on a sunny, summer day!
TONS of humpback whales, dolphins (and a nice Cave trip)
Humpbacks and Dolphins and the Cave
Blue whale, 17 humpbacks, and more
Humpback and Dolphin Masses
We got mugged!
Pelagic Red Crabs and a Waterfall at Painted Cave