Humpback whales lunge feed close up and personal
Humpback whale sets new Santa Barbara Channel record for pectoral fin slaps
The Fall Feeding Frenzy Continues in the Santa Barbara Channel
Whale counts keep rising in the Santa Barbara Channel
Whale numbers in the Santa Barbara Channel are on the increase !
Great Whale Numbers in the Santa Barbara Channel Today
The Fall Whale Season in the Santa Barbara Channel continues to amaze
An excellent “Indian Summer” California whale watching adventure.
Muchos Humpbacks y Minkes
Five “new” Humpback Whales and More
Humpback Whales “Fall Asleep” Under the Condor Express
Drop Dead Gorgeous Day with Santa Barabara Channel Full of Life
Humpback whales, Minke whales still great sightings !
Humpback Whales and Minke whale sightings on the rise today
Perfect conditions for humpback whales and minke whales
Massive fin whale, humpback whale and minke whale sightings today
Two Humpback whales and 3 Minke whales today
The Humpback whale and Minke whale show.
Leapin’ Minke whale steal the show.
More humpback whales