2 Late Gray Whales, 2 Humpbacks, and Thousands of Dolphins
8 humpback whales and a lot more
4 different cetacean species today
3 Humpbacks and 1,000+ dolphins
Big Blue Whale and Humpbacks Breaching
Warm Air, Calm Seas, Humpback Calf Goes Berserk
“Rope” returns with massive tail throws and lots of aromatherapy
Humpback Whales put on a Show on the North Side of the Channel
Moveable Feast
Surrounded by Humpbacks and Dolphins
Gray whale Season ends with 8 whales and more
Springtime (and little cetacean calves) is in the air
A Fresh Breeze Deters Neither Gray Whales, Dolphins or the Condor Express
Spy Hops, Rolls and a Stampede
6 gray whale + 2 dolphins
The Gray Whale Mother-Calf Parade Continues…and More.
Whales, Dolphins and Abundant Purple Sailors
It Must Be Spring: Mothers and Babies of all Kinds Today
Bottlenose Dolphins Interact with Mother Gray Whale & Calf
Gray Whale Calves and More !