An epic day with a high diversity of marine mammals
Some of the best whale and dolphin sightings in years
One of the best summers in years.
It was a perfect 4th of July.
Ideal wildlife conditions prevailed in the Santa Barbara Channel
Wonderful looks were had by all.
What an amazing summer…blues, humpbacks, dolphins again.
Condor Express sings “the blues” again.
A spectacular look at our Santa Barbara Channel cetaceans.
15 humpback whales, 7 blue whales and 750 dolphins
Giant blue whales are sure fun to watch
Blue skies, blue water and plenty of blue whales
A wonderful Santa Barbara Channel excursion today
7 humpback whales including our friend Rope, and much more
Surface lunge-feeding
Great conditions and fantastic sightings today
Another great day for cetaceans
A humpback whale that would not stop breaching
Five different species of cetaceans today !