Cave waterfall, whales and dolphins too.
Fin whales, commons and Risso’s
Four Cetacean Species Today
Spectacular last trip for 2018
Gorgeous winter whales and dolphins
First gray whale of the season.
Humpbacks and dolphins abound.
Captain Tasha and Crew
Surface lunge-feeding whales!
A view of “all four corners” of the Channel yields fantastic sightings
The blues continue and so do the dolphins.
Giant fin whale, giant blue whale and lots of offshore bottlenose dolphins
Three great trips today including a frisky calf
Early Spring Whale Watching Trips – 3 Per Day
Seven fins, two grays and some porpoises.
Four different species of cetaceans.
Whales and 3 species of dolphins!
Condor Express gets mugged by a people-watching humpback whale
Blue whale is still our prime cetacean in the Channel
The friendly little blue whale calf came by again today!