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1 of 5 humpbacks seen showed a very unique feeding behvior!

2019 06-14 SB Channel

Although we had epic looks at 5 humpback whales and at least 550 long-beaked common dolphins, it was the “never-seen-before-by-us behavior” of one whale that made things truly special. Skies started with a marine layer and then ended up sunny. Seas were calm.

All of today’s sightings took place in the mid-Channel region, about 10 or so miles offshore. The first included a couple hundred dolphins and three single whales. The whales came together to make a trio, but then soon split up into one single and a pair. The pair engaged in pectoral fin-slapping and trumpet vocalization. Amazing.

Soon after we had seen a single whale breach in the distance and headed that way. On arrival, the whale did a half-breach near the boat as another hundred or so dolphins came in to take a look.

The “never-seen-before-by-us behavior,” as told to me by Captain Dave, with a photo (see above) by Adam Earnster will now be described:

1-This is an anchovy school, surface feeding behavior which was repeated about 30x.

2-Each episode began with a lateral, surface tail sweep through the bait ball.

3-This was followed immediately by a surface S-turn attack on the bait, with the whale straight up and down in the water, mouth wide open and scooping up fish.

(Deckhand Devin and Adam may also post videos of this online later today and may have other ways of describing this).

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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