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12 Humpback Whales go Bonkers, Dolphins and More!

2019 03-25 SB Channel

Captain Tasha and her crew ran 2 wild adventures full of marine life with loads of great action and, in the process, closely watched: 12 humpback whales, 1400 long-beaked common, and at least 100 California sea lions. Seas were fairly calm. There was not much wind on the morning trip, but the breeze did pick up a little bit in the afternoon. Nonetheless, you’ll have to read on further to get the real story about today!

On the morning trip, Tasha headed directly offshore to a spot near the mid  -channel NOA buoy where lots of marine life activity had been reported. On the scene, she found at least 12 whales. There was some surface lunge-feeding, lots of breaching, tons of chin-slapping (include including some very close to the bow) and one special close approach by a tight group of 4 whales. This area was a hotspot as seabirds, sea lions and dolphins all joined in the banquet with the humpbacks. On the way home another fairly large pod of dolphins located the Condor Express.

On the afternoon trip Tasha did not go out quite so far into the channel and initially located one whale that was migrating through the area. Not long afterwards, a megapod of at least 750 dolphins came to the boat and was soon joined by another whale. This second whale of the trip was very active. It repeatedly lobbed its tail and it breached several times (including one breach very close to the boat). Before long yet another whale came in to see what all the ruckus was about. This was a small whale with white pectoral fins It was very active especially with multiple tail slaps. 

You never know what mother nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor express, and

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