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2 Grays and a common dolphin encounter

Writer:  Bob Perry Bob Perry
Image: a great whale gives you a wave!
Image: a great whale gives you a wave!

2025 03–19 SB Channel

Captain Dave and the crew ran two trips today: 9 AM, and 12 noon. Skies were clear and sunny on both trips. The ocean was very calm and by afternoon there was just a light breeze. Sightings for the day included: 75 common dolphins and 2 gray whales.

After an extensive survey, we had a wonderful encounter with a pod of common dolphins on the morning excursion. The little cetaceans were spread out over a wide area, and they took turns riding our bow, side, and stern waves. Good looks!

We had two separate gray whale encounters on the afternoon trip. The trip started off with a wonderful tour of Platform Charlie, and a nice birdnado nearby. Sadly, no cetaceans with the birds! Moving offshore, we were east of Platform Habitat when we found our first northbound migrating gray whale. It was a sub-adult and it came close to the boat several times. 1.5 miles southwest, we found a second northbound gray whale. It was a little more shy than the first one, but we still had a wonderful encounter.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry


Condor Express


301 W. Cabrillo Blvd

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


(805) 882-0088

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