2019 10-06 SB Channel
Glassy smooth seas and sunny skies enhanced the wildlife viewing again today as Captain Colton ran across the Santa Barbara Channel and had great luck near The Lanes. He reported 9 humpback whales and 1000 long-beaked common dolphins.
Four whales were encountered near the NOAA buoy along with dolphins. Dolphins were around all day thereafter. The whales included 2 large adults and 2 smaller juveniles. The adults were very businesslike and boat-shy, while it was the opposite story for the smaller ones. The juveniles did one simultaneous double breach, so if you didn’t see it, you missed it! They also were very interested in the boat and spent quality time looking at their fans.
After moving south a short distance an additional single whale was watched, then 2 big, scarred-up whales and loads more dolphins. On the way home the final pair of whales was watched. It was a non-stop cetacean show on one of the most beautiful fall days one could ever hope for.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com