(above: a vertical lunge-feeding humpback whale)
2022 11-12 SB Channel
Conditions in our chunk of the Channel were superb: blue skies, calm seas and no wind. Sightings were also excellent, as the local humpbacks were still in good supply. We closely watched: 8 humpback whales, 15 inshore bottlenose dolphins and 120 California sea lions.
Two miles out from the harbor is nearly a record for finding coastal bottlenose dolphins. It was a nice pod of 15 and we had good looks before getting back on course for deeper waters.
If you are playing the Lotto, all 4 of our whale sightings were of 2 humpbacks each. The first pair, about 6 miles out from the harbor, made 2 simultaneous vertical lunge-feeding maneuvers. Great to see this so close to home.
A bit further south we watched 2 more humpbacks, then, in The Lanes another pair. This 3rd pair became obsessed with the Condor Express and their fans on board and proceeded to mug the boat for at least 1 hour. In addition to their hanging out on bow, stern, port and starboard, there was a bit of rolling around and looking up at the people while upside down.
On the way home we found our last pair of the day.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and