2018 04-25 SB Coast
Three trips left Santa Barbara Harbor today with exceptional sea conditions. The morning trip experienced a high marine layer, while the rest of the day was sunny and bright. Total sightings for the day included 2 gray whales, 850 long-beaked common dolphins and 1 fin whale.
The morning trip ran west past UCSB and located a mother gray whale and her calf inside the huge kelp bed off Isla Vista (which is a Marine Protected Area). The pair was inside the thick kelp and did a lot of spy hopping and rolling around in the veggies. This is one of the most exciting things the little calves do each year as they lead their mothers up the coast.
On the noon excursion Captain Dave and his crew ran east and a pod of about 50 dolphins located the Condor Express. Per usual, the dolphins rode our bow, side and stern waves and otherwise were a thrill to watch.
The late afternoon expedition went straight out (south) from Santa Barbara Harbor. About 8 miles offshore a huge fin whale was located. The fin was very “watchable,” with short down times, long surface times and made a couple of friendly approaches to the boat. On the way home a mega-pod of dolphins found us and it was spectacular.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com