A humpback calf breaches and other whale antics today.
Out on the northeastern flats a total of 3 different humpback whales were closely observed. Two were a mother and her calf, not the same two that we had a week ago, but a new pair. The fun stuff: the little calf breached about 4 times near the boat for all to enjoy. Later, a third humpback whale was discovered and it turned out to be the whale that we nicknamed “Chomper.” (Regular readers may recall that this whale comes up to the surface, bends its head upward, then opens and shuts its mouth in the air as if “chomping” at the air).
There were a few Minke whales in the area and at least 750 common dolphins were seen throughout the day. All in all a spectacular day with a fascinating list of cetacean characters.
best regards Bob Perry