2019 06-10 SB Channel
The Condor Express moved cautiously across the entire Santa Barbra Channel until it finally broke out of the dense fog a few miles off Carrington Point, Santa Rosa Island. Sightings today included 10 humpback whales, 200 California sea lions and 75 long-beaked common dolphins.
Almost coincidental with the fog breaking was the appearance of a large assembly of whales feeding in and around a huge mob of sea lions. The bait was up on the surface at times and whales were observed surface lunge feeding as their furry little buddies leaped out of their path. It was quite a show!
On the way home, and not far from the harbor, a nice pod of dolphins located us and escorted us part of the way back.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com