2022 09-05-SB Channel
Best wishes to all of you that will be, are, or have been, members of the labor force of our great land.
Captain Devin and his team took a nice loop (see map) out to The Lanes and back and located loads of wonderful marine life (and not so wonderful balloons). Sightings included: 2 humpback whales, 1000+ long-beaked common dolphins, 100 short-beaked common dolphins, 1 ocean sunfish (Mola mola) and 5+ Mylar balloons were retrieved.
Conditions were “summer superb.” While many inland citizens swelter in a record heat wave, the cooling effects of being out in the Channel on the Condor Express, with great blue skies and no wind, qualified for a superb rating (by me).
The first 10 miles offered great coastal and island views until our first wildlife was sighted. A mega pod of long-beaked common dolphins had formed a long line and we spent lots of quality time interacting with it.
Moving into The Lanes, we found a cow-calf humpback whale pair. They were relatively inactive and, although not “logging,” they didn’t cover any significant distance, make any prolonged dives, or exhibit extraordinary behaviors. Nonetheless, we had wonderful looks for a nice, long visit.
Soon after our whale encounter a single small ocean sunfish (Mola mola) was found on the surface. We watched for a long time as this fish stared back at us without fear. Finally, it bolted to the depths, but returned just as fast to the surface and breached right in front of its fan club on the Condor. Phenomenal!
As we turned to head home, a small, non-acrobatic pod of short-beaked common dolphins was observed.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com