Read more about The Farm here: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/news/ocean-rainforest-farms-seaweed-southern-california
2025 03-27 SB Channel
A single 9a public whale adventure left Santa Barbara Landing today. The skies featured wispy, disappearing stratus that later burned off completely. Seas were calm. Total sightings: 2 humpback whales and 30 common dolphins.
Captain Dave officially kicked things off with one of his legendary oil platform tours during which he always explains all you ever wanted to know about these local rigs. Nearby we stopped to watch a single, juvenile humpback whale. It featured short dives, and made a few close and friendly approaches. A small pod of common dolphins came by and rode our bow, side and stern waves
The climax of the trip featured another Santa Barbara oceanic landmark tour and discussion: the local kelp farm. (See my photo and link above). Near The Farm we encountered our 2nd humpback. It was an even smaller young whale than the previous one. It let loose a monster breach at a fair distance. Thrilling!
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry