Image: A Minke whale gets friendly with the Condor Express.
2024 08-14 SB Channel
Captain Dave and the crew reported good conditions along the coast and in The Flats, but rough seas out near the islands where things have been so productive this week. It was sunny all day and calm until we pushed farther offshore. Sightings for the day included: 1 humpback whale, 2 Minke whales, 3500 common dolphins and 50 California sea lions.
As we headed southeast towards the far edge of The Flats, the first pod of dolphins located us inside the Summerland oil rig line. There were about 100 animals in this first pod, and we saw many similarly sized groups as we continued our journey. A legitimate megapod of 1000 or more dolphins was encountered on the way home.
The first whale was a very friendly Minke observed while we were still on our way towards the rigs. This individual twice lunge-fed sideways on the surface. It also made two distinct approaches to the boat and wonderful looks were had by all. Soon after this first Minke, we found more dolphins in a large birdnado. Several dozen California sea lions joined the feeding alongside the predatory sea birds. After that, Dave did one of his nice rig tours and spoke about the rich history of oil exploration in The Channel. A second Minke, south of the rigs, came by for a short visit.
In the far eastern reaches of The Flats, northwest of Platform Grace, we had great looks at a juvenile single humpback with white pectoral fins. It was in travel mode moving east, and had short, 2 minute, dive times.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express,