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A trio of seemingly crazed humpbacks goes berserk.

Writer's picture:  Bob Perry Bob Perry

Image: a humpback whale lets loose with a curvy breach as part of a major socialization event today.


2024 10-04 SB Channel


The stratus layer was no where near as dense as the last 2 days. Shortly after noon there were some bright and warm spots up off Campus Point. The morning small, easterly chop died, and it became very glassy. All these good environmental omens set the stage for some epic sightings today:  10,000 common dolphins and 4 humpback whales (but, oh my, did these whales put on a show).


As we left the Harbor, a pair of large bottom trawlers, the MS. JULIE and NOAH’S ARK, were inbound with their outriggers deployed and bright night lights on their respective masts. Signs prominently displayed on each boat stated “NOAA fisheries research.” Given the morning gray stratus and gray ocean, it was an interesting sight.


Common dolphins were everywhere in The Channel as we slowly moved west from the Kelp Farm to Sands Beach. A few were true megapods with over 1000 individuals, but all pods seen were spread out. There were many dozens of large, surface-active bait balls and the dolphins were feeding on some of them as were brown pelicans. Later in the day, the whales joined the communal feed.


We watched a single humpback whale around 1230pm. It took long dives, indicative of sub-surface feeding. This was curious given the abundance of bait balls UP and active. A big shout out to commercial fisherman and former crewman, Mat R. who called us in on a trio of whales.


Three large adult whales kept closely bonded as we watched for over an hour. There was mostly very little space between the whales. All were abundantly active and, since they were in such close proximity, their pectoral fin slaps, tail slaps, and breaches almost touched one another. They dove together, often for 6 or 8 minutes, only to resurface together and start their behavioral repertoire all over again. There were many encores. We heard frequent vocalizations, saw synchronized tail fluking, and had several very close approached to the Condor Express. In my opinion, I believe there was one female with two adult males competing for her attention.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry





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