2019 05-24 SB Channel – West
Conditions were good and Captain Dave headed up to the far west in search of wildlife. Total sightings included 1 humpback whale and 800 long-beaked common dolphins.
Along the westerly route a pod of several hundred dolphins located the Condor Express about 3 miles south of UCSB. A second, slightly larger, group was watched about a mile further along. Great looks were had of both groups before we continued west.
In the far western Channel, south of Platform Hondo, a single juvenile whale was found. It had a white tail and fluked up regularly to show it off to its fans. Perhaps it was feeding subsurface.
It is always nice to travel to the far west and see the beautiful Gaviota coast from the ocean perspective.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com