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Amazing humpback whale antics

The Condor Express headed out towards the eastern end of the Santa Barbara Channel to find the best humpback whale watching in Southern California today. Captain Dave discovered not one, but two pods of humpback whales. The second group was lunge feeding on anchovy schools at the surface, and this was going on all day, all around the boat. There were a total of nine whales counting the two groups. One juvenile made a very friendly close approach to the boat. It rolled around. slapped its pectoral flippers on the water and move in so close that guests on board were looking eye to eye with the young beast. It is like something clicked or a switch was turned, and the behavior of the humpback whales changes from one day to the next. Of course, the sea conditions and sunny skies made it a wonderful early summer experience for all. Common dolphins were seen all day, everywhere, and a very non-scientific estimated total was given by the crew to be 3,000+ dolphins.


Hope to see you on board while the show goes on! Bob Perry Condor Express

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