Another Epic Humpback Day in the North Channel
Life is good. The north side of the Santa Barbara Channel, close to home, is still generating so many anchovy bait balls that at least 5,000 common dolphins, uncountable seabirds, and numerous sea lions are playing their part in the epic saga of the local food chain. And, of course the big guys…at least 9 closely watched humpback whales (more in the distance)…were there to join the fun. Sea conditions were good and the sun was bright. Among the #humpackwhales we saw that large female with the propeller scar and her calf. The two of them were very friendly today, and it is a good thing that the Condor Express has no propellers or rudders of its own, because the mother-calf pair made several passes directly under the boat. The humans were thrilled! What a show.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express