Baby Gray Whales Romp in Kelp Forest Nursery
Captain Eric found not one, but TWO pairs of gray whale mothers with calves. Under clear skies and great sea conditions, the Condor Express first followed one cow-calf pair up the coast. Then, in the giant kelp forest neat Counter’s Point (formerly known as Coal Oil Point) the boat, under the direction of Eric, found a second cow-calf pair. As if this was not enough excitement for one 12noon whale watching adventure, the two pairs eventually joined up in the kelp. There was lots of spy-hopping by calves and moms alike, and a lot of this took place very close to the Condor Express. General kelp play (or “kelping”) was the order of the day and this included rolling around in the brown seaweeds and a great playtime for the young’uns under the watchful and protective eyes of the two moms.
Towards the end of the trip, we ran offshore just a short distance to engage at least 1,500 long beaked common dolphins.
Wow! What an amazing day!
Tomorrow we are running at 12 noon and 3 pm. I hope to see you on board.
You definitely never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express