2018 04-22 SB Coast
Earth Day was spectacular along the Santa Barbara Coast and into the northern Channel. One gray whale and 500 long-beaked common dolphins were watched closely during a single, 12 noon, excursion. The bright sun and blue, clear water enhanced all the sightings.
After the customary run west (up the coast) a whale was located off Hendry’s Beach. It was an adult whale and had regular, short dive times. The clear water mentioned above made tracking this whale easy. It was very visible underwater during its down times. We stayed with the whale until we reached Goleta Bay where Captain Dave and his crew moved offshore in search of other species.
About 3 miles south of Santa Barbara Harbor a large herd of dolphins located the boat. They rode our bow, side and stern waves…everyone on board loved the interaction.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com