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Dolphins and 5 humpbacks, including some breaching, under a thick, low marine layer.

Image: an adult humpback whale breaches, with dark conditions due to a thick overcast layer.

2024 05-11 SB Channel

As yesterday, the day was characterized by a dense, low stratus layer, with wonderful glassy calm seas. Sun highlighted the peaks of the islands as we got close to them late in the trip. Sightings today included: 1000 common dolphins and 5 humpback whales.

A small group of common dolphins has been actively feeding all week fairly close to the harbor entrance. Today they were, per usual, accompanied by lots of actively feeding seabirds, about 1 mile offshore. We watched briefly and had good looks before heading southwest towards The Lanes.

North of The Lanes we watched larger pods of dolphins that were spread out over a wide swath of ocean. Soon, as we dolphin-watched, our first humpback whale came up. (All the whales today were relatively large adults). We had good looks and continued southwest.

South of The Lanes we found and watched two single whales. One of them headed into the atmosphere with a single, mighty breach. (See today’s photo for an example).

One distant breach caught our eye and, having moved towards it, we watched a pair of whales. The sighting was good, but there was no more breaching.  We headed back towards the harbor.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob PerryCondor Express, and

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