2025 03–24 SB Channel
Captain Eddy and the crew ran two trips today: 9 AM and 12 noon. Both trips experienced very dense fog along the coast, often less than 1/4 mile visibility. The fog dissipated, on both trips, when we reached the UCSB area. Sightings for today: 1000 common Dolphins, 2 gray whales, and 15 Dall’s porpoise.
On the morning excursion we had a nice interaction with 500 common dolphins. It was a nursery pod filled with little calves. About a mile and a half east we encountered 2 northbound gray whales. One whale was considerably bigger, and they never left each other side… we’re thinking a cow calf pair. Their dives were short and they were all business…in migration mode.
On the noon trip we returned to the UCSB area. We had a short period of time with very elusive, high-speed Dall’s porpoise. We had quick, good looks and that was the end of it. Nearby, we ran into the same pod of common dolphins, about 500 strong. Again, lots of calves and lots of good looks.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry