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Double humpback whale WHAMMY

Double humpback whale WHAMMY

Although there was a swell running in the Santa Barbara Channel today, there was no wind on top of it and the surface was glassy smooth. No sooner did Captain Dave get into the feeding grounds, then he found 5 humpback whales. Several were lunge feeding on the surface, gobbling tons of live anchovies in a their huge mouths and gular pouch. As if this was not spectacular enough, a mother and calf pair were among the five humpbacks….and both were feeling frisky. Mom and calf both breached 5 or 6 times, and then the piece de la resistance, a mother/calf simultaneous double breach very close the their fan club on the Condor Express. Three Minke whales and 400 common dolphins were icing on the cake.

As a reminder, the public whale watch is 8am to 1230pm tomorrow, Friday Oct 4. You better get out and see this stuff for yourself.

Best regards Bob Perry

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