2019 08-24 SB Channel Very Far West
Captain Dave and the crew of the Condor Express located 6 humpback whales and 1500 long-beaked common dolphins on a run west past Gaviota Pass and Platform Heritage. This is an amazing 32-mile (each way) adventure that offered unlimited, spectacular views of the entire pristine Gaviota coastline. It’s unusual to find the wildlife that far away.
The entire trip featured close looks at very friendly dolphins. Seas were very calm. Skies were sunny, and there was little-or-no wind at all.
Out past Heritage there were 5 whales with seabirds and dolphins galore. Two of the five were a mother with her calf. The little calf threw its tail several times. One of the remaining 3 whales did a bit of surface lunge-feeding. All of this was close enough to the Condor Express to afford wonderful looks. On the return trip a 6th whale was seen.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com