2021 07-31 SB Channel
High stratus and calm seas shifted to sunny skies with wind and some lite chop. Sightings were phenomenal: 11+ humpback whales, 2500 long-beaked common dolphins and 200 California sea lions.
Dolphin pods came to the boat starting about 4 miles offshore and were around us all day, particularly on the hotspots. We spent time slowing the boat and enjoying these marvelous little cetaceans as they came alongside and rode our wake. They are always fun and it’s a great way to kick-off any whale watching expedition.
The first hotspot with sea birds, dolphins, sea lions and whales was on the edge of the northbound shipping lane. Six humpback whales were closely watched in this area and several big tail throws were observed. Captain Dave moved the boat a couple of miles to the southeast where two more individuals were encountered. Finally, a trio of individual humpbacks rounded-out the whale sightings and was spotted by our deckhand, Adam. He reported more tail throws from the threesome and a few full-body breaches as well.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com