2021 08-19 SB Channel – West
Ideal wildlife conditions were to be had in the Channel today. Skies were sunny, seas were glassy, and there was no swell all day. We closely watched 11 Humpback whales and 3000 long-beaked common dolphins.
Captain Colton and the crew of the Condor Express took the boat up the coast to the western zone. We spent considerable viewing effort about 8 miles south of Naples Reef where a wonderful hot spot was active. Common dolphins were numerous and feeding throughout the area, and within 90 minutes we watched 7 individual humpback whales as well.
Among the individual whales was a mother-calf pair. The calf breached a few times as we closed the distance and after a bit of observation the adult whale threw its mighty tail a couple of times very close to the boat. Needless to say this was exhilarating!
Moving offshore to a position just south of The Lanes we encountered and watched 2 additional whales. Both were juveniles and we had good looks.
On the route home, about 2 miles northeast of the NOAA East Channel Buoy, 2 adult whales were studied.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com