2018 07-12 SB Channel
Captain Dave reported excellent conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel today with sunny skies and very flat, calm seas. Mammal sightings were, once again, terrific. 8+ blue whales, 1 fin whale, 1 humpback whale and 400 long-beaked common dolphins were closely watched today.
The first sightings were south of The Lanes off the coast of beautiful Santa Cruz Island. A lone humpback was moving around the zone and kicked up its flukes on every dive. Tall spouts nearby belonged to many blue whales and a single fin. Although there were more giant blues around today, we closely watched 8 individuals. A group of several hundred dolphins also passed through during the whale watching.
On the way home another hundred dolphins located the Condor Express and were our last mammals seen today.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com