First sightings of a “new” whale with an entanglement scar just like our “Rope.” –photo by Capt Eric Nickish
Again we encountered “drop dead gorgeous” sea conditions with warm, sunny skies and crystal clear water. The humpback whales continue to flock to the Santa Barbara Channel to feast on the abundant northern anchovy schools. (Pardon the pun; I said “flock” with the long pectoral wings of a humpback in mind). Today we had between 8 and 10 humpback whales that we watched closely. There were numerous other spouts within visual range. Our whales were highly animated with multiple tail throws, rolling around, slapping pectoral fins and a little surface feeding too. It was a showcase performance for humpback behaviors.
One of the most curious humpback whales was a heavily scarred whale, with a circumferential entanglement scar almost the same as our friend “Rope,” although this whale is smaller (and perhaps a male). Capt Eric Nickisch shot a nice pic with his iPhone as you can see above.
In addition, at least 3 Minke whales were watched as well as 300 or so common dolphins.
Amazing sea conditions and sunny skies can’t last forever, so let’s get on board soon to see the show! Tell ’em Bob sent you.
Bob Perry Condor Express