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Fantastic fall fantasy excursion.

2017 11-22 SB Channel

Captain Eric and his crew went out into the pristine Santa Barbara Channel and located 6+ blue whales, 1 humpback whale, 1 fin whale, and 20 Pacific white-sided dolphins.  It was a hot 90⁰F in Sana Barbara Harbor, but out in the ocean with the cool blue water and light breeze when the Condor Express was underway the air temperature was in near 80⁰F.  This was a fantastic fall fantasy excursion.

Things got going when 3 large adult blue whales were watched in The Lanes near the middle of Santa Cruz Island.  These giants had only a 4 minute down time on average, and much longer surface times.  When first spotted the trio was observed racing.  After some great looks at these giants, a large adult fin whale popped up and joined the blues.  The fin even became part of the circular swim pattern during surface breathing intervals.

In fairly shallow 100-foot deep water, in the middle of Chinese Harbor, a single small, shy humpback whale was located and watched.  After a while Eric moved back out near The Lanes.

Off Cavern Point, and in The Lanes, 3 additional giant blues were seen and once again good looks were had by all.  Time was running out and Eric set a course for home.

Not far from the harbor a fast moving pod of 20 Pacific white-sided dolphins played with the boat.  When the boat slowed down to watch the dolphins, they became disinterested.  When we sped up again, the dolphins resumed their bow, side and stern wave riding.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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