Image: a humpback whale enjoys a kelp spa session.
2024 10-09 11 Channel
Captain Dave and the crew encountered a high overcast gray sky all day, but lateral (whale searching) visibility was good. Although we did not have much local wind, there was a light wind bump from overnight breezes in the western Channel. Sightings were good today: 5000 common dolphins and 4 very exciting humpback whales.
Per usual, dolphins were sighted in small pods close to shore but when we approached the wildlife zone, about 8 miles off Goleta, there were megapods. Some were feeding and generated birdnados. It was just such a scenario that led us to the whales, with a shout out to Captain Devin on Velella for the coord’s.
We found 4 whales in close proximity. Their actions were social and possibly related to courtship and competition behavior, assuming one female was among the males…we were not positive about the genders. The action included many of the more exciting an popular behaviors in the humpback repertoire, such as chin-slapping, rolling around, sideways swimming, spy-hopping, breaching and kelping (see today’s photo for an example of kelping).
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express