2016 03-11 SB Channel
What fun ! It rained pretty much the whole trip from 9am to 1130 am this morning, and it was heavy at times. The ocean surface was a bit “confused” with a dominant northwest swell coupled with wind and waves from the southeast. Despite it all Captain Dave safely steered the Condor Express out about a half mile off Hope Ranch to fine two very cooperative gray whales migrating north. At times it was hard to spot these two beasts due to the ocean waves, but nonetheless it was a great sighting encounter.
Later in the trip Dave took us closer to the beach where we were greeted by at least 10 inshore bottlenose dolphins. These large dolphins seemed to be busy foraging and only made a few appearances near the boat. Good looks were had by the hearty whale lovers that came dressed in foul weather gear and stayed out in the elements to enjoy cetaceans in the rain.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express