2025 03–16 SB Channel
Captain Eddy and the crew found glassy seas with hazy, 6 mile plus lateral visibility today. There was a small long period swell that was hardly noticeable. It was a spectacular winter day full of whales and dolphins. Sightings included: 300 common dolphins, 6 gray whales, and one humpback whale.
We ran two whale watching trips today. The morning trip left the docks at 9 AM and headed south. East of Holly we had a wonderful interaction with at least 300 common dolphins. There were a couple of BS2 birdnados in the mix as the dolphins were busy feeding with the birds. We did a complete survey of the western Channel then came home.
On the noon trip, we were 7 miles offshore, about halfway between The Rigs and the Kelp Farm, when we came upon 2 northbound adult gray whales. We had close looks and the cooperative animals came up once on each side of the boat. We continued south towards The Lanes where we encountered 4 more grays. Like most of the northbound grays this time of year, they were intent on migration. But unlike the earlier pair, the foursome was very generous in showing off their wonderful tail flukes. (See photo montage above for examples).
Finally, about 1/2 mile southeast, we spent some quality time with a single juvenile humpback whale. It was feeding subsurface and had relatively short dive times.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry