2017 04-06 SB Coast
The following information was relayed to me via Captain Eric today. There were two excursions by the Condor Express along the coast and the sightings were fantastic. Sea conditions were flat and calm with hazy sun. Total sightings for the day included 4 different species of cetaceans: 2 gray whales, 1,000 long-beaked common dolphins, 4 humpback whales and 20 coastal bottlenose dolphins. Great looks. Great sightings. Great day.
9 am Two gray whales were encountered right off the outer harbor buoy. They made several friendly passes next to the boat for some fantastic looks by all. Later in the trip a large herd of common dolphins came to the Condor and rode our wake.
12 noon Captain Eric reported encountering 3 humpback whales surface lunge feeding on anchovy schools. Their behaviors included quite a bit of rolling around. Soon a fourth humpback joined the feeding and the food source shifted to krill on the surface.
Later around 20 coastal bottlenose dolphins came from the surf zone to the boat and back and forth. Great looks. Great sightings. Great day.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express