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Hour upon hour of humpback whale surface feeding.


Photo by Capt Eric showing surface lunge feeding humpback whales

Hour upon hour of humpback surface feeding.

The sea conditions were again ideal…very calm…zero swells of any kind, and no wind. Once we got on the feeding grounds the whales were everywhere and all of them were surface lunge feeding on massive northern anchovy schools today. At least 2 1/2 hours of non stop lunge feeding was enjoyed by all on board the Condor Express. Some of this feeding occurred quite close to the hull of the boat as the massive waves of anchovies ran to the shade of the boat to escape….a futile effort.

When the adventure was done . we had closely watched 8 humpback whales feeding and 3 Minke whales. At least 600 common dolphins were also sharing the bounty all day long.

It is obvious that the great whales are gorging themselves with a goal of putting on extra tons of blubber to last through the Winter as they move to warmer climates to breed and calve. We have been extremely fortunate this season to have such spectacular sea conditions for such a long period of time, and anchovies anchovies anchovies….where do they all come from?

Best regards Bob Perry Condor Express

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