Dolphin lovers on the Condor enjoy blue water and great water clarity as long-beaked common dolphins make a friendly visit.
Humpback, Minkes, Commons and Bottlenose on a Fine Day
Captains Mike and Scott took the Condor south to an area which has been very productive over the past few days. On the way out of Santa Barbara Harbor we passed the bait barge on its moorings with one Pacific harbor seal and one California sea lion hauled out on it. A perfect opportunity to show the vast differences between the two species of pinnipeds. Just outside the buoys we were greeted by a small group of 5 or 6 inshore bottlenose dolphins. Getting back to the pinnipeds, we saw California sea lions on the buoys and practically everywhere we went today. Several drifting giant kelp paddies in deep water had a harbor seal resting and hiding in them. The first whales we saw were two Minke whales, one larger than the other. They were moving in random directions but were great to see on the mirror glass surface. Many long-beaked common dolphins were scattered across the zone. Many paid us a visit, some just went about their apparent foraging. Towards the end of the trip there was one large adult humpback whale, and it fluked up on every dive. A great way to round out a wonderful trip with a wide variety of marine mammals.
We are currently offering two open public whale watch trips per day, departing at 9am and 1pm.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express
I’ll get the photos from today posted online sometime later this week.