2022 05-15 SB Channel
Skies were overcast with a west bump left over from winds offshore. The bump subsided and skies got sunny mid-trip. Our closely-watched specie: 5 humpback whales.
Captain Devin and the crew headed towards the west end of Santa Cruz Island and found our first 2 whales south of the NOAA East Channel Buoy (see: https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_realtime.php?station=46053 ). They were the first of two cow-calf pairs we’d watch today. We stayed for ½ hour and had great looks.
Further south, inside the southbound Lane, the wind freshened up as we came across the second cow-calf pair. They were travelling with another adult (an escort?). The trio was quite surface active and we watched pectoral fin slapping, lob-tailing and some trumpet vocalizations. It was a wonderful encounter. At this point the wind dropped and the sun came out for our trip back to the harbor.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry Condor Express, and