2018 08-06 SB Channel – Far East
As happened yesterday, once again Captain Tasha and her crew ran to the far east and located a nice hot spot north of Anacapa Island. Seas were calm. The weather was nice. Sightings included 2 humpback whales, 2 Minke whales and 1000 long-beaked common dolphins. Humpback tail throws were the high point of the trip.
Several nice pods of dolphins greeted the Condor Express on its way to the eastern Santa Barbara Channel. Great looks in calm water were had by all. At one point, 2 Minke whales were watched among a large dolphin aggregation.
On the whale grounds there were plenty of dolphins, sea lions and marine birds all engaged in feeding. Of the 2 humpbacks, one stayed around the boat and gave us good, close looks including a tremendous tail throw. The other whale stayed a mile or so away, but got very active. It breached several times and also threw its tail. Humpback tail throws are powerful and, if witnessed close up, can be terrifying.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com