2017 04-07 SB Coast
Captain Dave ran two trips out into the Santa Barbara channel and great sightings were had by all. Totals for the day included: seven gray whales, 200 long beak to come and dolphins, and three humpback whales. Wow, Humpbacks, grays and dolphins too!
9 AM. After leaving the harbor Kevin Dave headed west and saw for gray whales off the old lighthouse. The group was shy so he ended up settling in with two gray whales that were more cooperative. Continuing west two additional gray whales are located off of her branch and followed up towards Ila Vista. Here Dave turned around and started heading home and almost immediately at least 200, dolphins came to the boat and put on quite a show.
12 noon. One gray whale was located off of Leadbetter beach. Like some of the morning whales, this one was also a little bit shy. So Dave ran west headed off shore and hoped to find a humpback whale. South of platform Holly he hit the jackpot, three humpback whales were located. These were fairly active whales… showing their tail flukes regularly and doing a lot of vocalizing.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express