2021 04-03 SB CHANNEL
It was sunny and nice all day, with a bit of wind on the noon and 3pm trip. A third trip departed at 9a. Sightings included 9 humpback whales, 2 gray whales and 75 offshore bottlenose dolphins.
The morning run was full of humpback sightings (7) out near the NOAA East Channel Buoy. We watched three separate pairs, one after another, followed by a solo humpback.
Noon found us bucking some medium sized chop and moderate wind. Nonetheless, we found good wildlife only 5 miles or so out. Our first sighting was a very large adult humpback with s similarly large tail that it was not shy about showing us. Towards the end of the big humpback encounter a pod of offshore bottlenose dolphins located the Condor Express and we meandered along with them for quite a while enjoying their enthusiasm and antics. The dolphins led us to a pair of gray whales and that rounded out our noon sightings nicely.
The afternoon also had moderate wind and seas. Captain Dave slowly navigated the Condor offshore with as much comfort for all as possible. We found another friendly, large adult humpback and had wonderful looks.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com