Humpbacks in blue water with dolphins and a Minke whale.
Captain Eric ran the other direction into the Land Of The Humpback Whales today. Skies were sunny and the water was clear and blue. All 5 humpback whales (3 at noon and 2 at 3pm) seemed to be feeding on something down deep. There were 9 minute down times and the whales circled around a central focal point or region. Common dolphins were around the boat and whales all day on both trips (500 at noon, 750 at 3pm). A Minke whale was spotted on the noon trip, and 10 or so bottle nose dolphins were watched along the coast on the way home from the 3pm trip. The dolphins and whales looked spectacular in the great underwater visibility. Tomorrow there is a 12 noon excursion.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express