2021 05-29 SB Channel
It was sunny, bit windy and a bit bumpy. We closely watched: 10+ humpback whales, 15 long-beaked common dolphins, 200 California sea lions.
Captain Dave and his crew found a fresh breeze that picked up as they moved offshore. The first sighting was a good one. Seven miles south of the UCSB campus we watched a total of 5 whales and a couple hundred sea lions feeding subsurface. Seabirds were also feasting. Among the whales was a mother with her calf. The mother did a bit of surface “chomping” which we don’t know involves feeding, cleaning baleen, and/or oral rinsing. It is not something we see everyday.
Moving further offshore we located another mother humpback with her calf in the north of The Lanes. Further still and we watched 3 adult whales (a pair and a single) along with dolphins.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com