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Late in the month of “Fogust” we had great sightings of dolphins and humpbacks


2022 08-23 SB Channel

The weather this month has been so atypical some local meteorologists have been calling it “Fogust.” Sure enough, there was dense, near zero visibility fog most of the day today with only brief clearing towards the end of the trip. Sightings included: 2 humpback whales, 2000 long-beaked common dolphins and 500 short-beaked common dolphins.

Captain Dave and the crew headed out into The Lanes near the NOAA East Channel Buoy to find the first scattered small groups of long-beaks in the fog. Another good thing about these dolphins is they are so accustomed to riding our bow, side and stern wake that even fog does not deter them nor ruin our watching.

Later, around 1pm, an exciting pod of acrobatic short-beaks located the Condor Express and did a lot of jumping and flipping around. Nearby, a pocket of sun broke through and, as if by magic, it revealed a pair of adult humpback whales. The pair made a series of wonderful close approaches to the boat, and were enjoyed by all before we ran short of time and left the area.

On the way home we finally saw clear, sunny skies.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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