2019 11-21 SB Channel and Santa Cruz Channel
We found no wind, sunny skies and very clear, blue water. All of which made finding and enjoying wildlife even better. A long-period ground swell from the west was hardly noticeable on the open ocean. Our track crossed the Channel and ran up into the Santa Cruz Channel (aka, “The Gap,” in crewspeak). 2 humpback whales, 1000 long-beaked common dolphins and 500 short-beaked common dolphins were closely watched.
On the way out to The Gap the Condor Express was located by three separate groups of common dolphins, each with approximately 500 individuals. The first two groups were north of The Lanes and consisted of the long-beaked species. The last pod, found south of The Lanes, were highly active, very aerial, short-beaks.
The scenery up in The Gap was spectacular. There were very clear views of both the western end of Santa Cruz Island as well as the eastern end of Santa Rosa Island. It was here that we found a mother humpback with her calf. The mother was a very large adult (obviously) and her calf was getting big too. There was a lot of interaction between them and all this was made possible by the wonderful water clarity.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com