2015 10-15 SB Channel
Captain Eric found a medium bump on the Santa Barbara Channel surface, a light wind, and partly cloudy sky. He took the Condor Express about 7 miles south of the Harbor and found a nice variety of marine life. There were 2 Minke whales, one of which was “logging” on the surface most of the time, and 3 friendly humpback whales with one approach so close the beast rubbed its head on the port bow. At least 750 long-beaked common dolphins worked the area too.
Moving out past The Lanes Eric found a huge fin whale that had long surface times and short down times. Again, great looks were had.
The trip finished up with a nice tour of the west end of Santa Cruz Island. Minkes, Humpbacks, Dolphins and a Fin Whale, WOW!
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express