Image: a humpback whale cow-calf pair
2024 04-28 SB Channel
We ran two trips today one at 9 AM the other at 12 noon. Both trips had clear blue skies but it was rather bumpy from strong westerly winds offshore. Total sightings today included 2 humpback whales and 153 long-beaked common dolphins.
Captain Devin and the crew took the Condor Express up the coast, along the shore, in search of northbound migrating gray whales. At UCSB, we turned offshore a few miles and watched a pair of humpback whales. It turned out to be a mother with her calf. Good sights were had by all. Nearby we watched a trio of common dolphins.
Later in the day a larger dolphin pod of about 150 animals was closely watched.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and