Muchos Humpbacks y Minkes
We ran two trips today, a morning open public whale watch, and an afternoon charter whale watch. When the Condor Express came back to the Landing at the end of the day, they had sighted a total of 7 humpbacks, 5 minke whales, and at least 1,500 common dolphins. The humpback whales made a few close passes by the boat, and there were some mighty tail throws sending spray hither and yon. Our mascot, Rope, was on the scene and it is always good to see her on the feeding grounds.
Although further to the east there were strong Santa Ana winds blowing, the devil winds never moved into our area and the trip was wonderful, sunny and calm.
The schedule is back to normal tomorrow with a 10am to 230pm public whale watch adventure. Hope to see you on board soon!
Bob Perry Condor Express